We take niche software to the next level

We invest and give conditions for your business to grow faster and more quickly, keeping profitability and protecting your culture with long-term commitment


We invest in your business to become a strategic partner, acquiring a relevant participation and deploying capital to grow


We accelerate the growth of your business by introducing talents and qualified experts to design a master plan of organic and inorganic expansion


Founders have the option to exit or stay in the project, with attractive compensation or generous incentives to build leading niche platforms

Multiple growth leverages to accelerate your growth exponentially

01. Cost optimization

Transferring non-core operational activities to Bolt

02. Operational efficiency

Support in management and process automation

03. Organic growth

Optimization and expansion of marketing and sales activities

04. New products and categories

Developing and acquiring complementary products

05. International expansion

Exporting solutions to Latin America, Europe and the US

Attributes that drive our attention

High margin

Strong and sustainable margins

Unique advantages

Brand, market, technology, niche, etc

Simple business models

Recurrent revenue or licensing revenue streams


>$200k and <$2m of EBITDA per year

Successful operations

Three or more years of operational records

Positive Culture

Great teams with integrity and ethics

The companies we partner are mostly under these scenarios

Profitable and growing

Your company is a reference in its segment and market niche. Your products are used by hundreds or thousands of customers.You’re unsure of the next steps, may that be a succession or a partnership for a new growth chapter

Insufficient investment

Your company raised capital and built a great niche software with revenue and growth that might have had a partial or total impact in profit levels. However, you can’t keep up with the exponential growth required by venture capital funds. Your investors are looking for liquidity or you are interested in selling this participation to a partner that prioritizes your plan and values your efforts

Cap table restructuring

You have executives, investors and partners that want to exit and achieve liquidity. Changing them for a strategic partner that will help you to achieve a new chapter of growth is a priority to take your company forward

Our investors

Our companies

Do you know a founder to whom we should talk?

We offer $10k to $250k finders fee if we ever close the deal that is referred by you